Morse High School is proud to announce this year’s recipients of the Maine Seal of Biliteracy. This is the first year that the Maine Department of Education has participated in t...
The proposed budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year is included below. Proposed Budget Spreadsheet LINK
Member of the RSU1 community are encouraged to join the board for t...
On Friday, April 5th students and staff at Phippsburg Elementary School surprised librarian, Laura Phelps, with the announcement that she is the 2019 Maine Association of School L...
We are pleased to announce that Madelyn Jones-Cressey, a Junior, has been selected as the first recipient of the 826 Enrichment Fund Award.
Madelyn will receive a $250 grant to ...
Recently, Morse Senior Rachel Ouellette had three poems published in a compilation of the best poetry by Maine women. Titled Balancing Act 2 , this book has received positive rev...