Bus #20 is running about 20 minutes late this afternoon (3/8)
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Due to weather conditions, there will be a two hour delay today (Thursday, March 3rd) and NO PRE-K.
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Bus #49 is running about 20 minutes late this afternoon (2/28.)
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Read Across America begins this week! Here is the list of ways we are celebrating each day: Monday, 2/28: “Reading is Wild” (animal prints/animal logos/animal ears) Tuesday, 3/1: "Reading is Everywhere” (clothing with school appropriate slogans and messages, please) Wednesday, 3/2: “Reading is Creative” (it’s Wacky Wednesday!) Thursday, 3/3: “Hats off to Reading” (wear a hat!) Friday, 3/4 “Snuggle Up and Read” (school-wide pajama day- SCHOOL APPROPRIATE PAJAMAS ONLY)
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Don't forget: this Friday WCS will be holding a FREE dental cleaning & fluoride clinic for students. Click the following link to access the form to sign up. We also have hard copies in the office! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JUXQwk_iUMVh3lZX-SQK4q-QQogUy98a/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
It's a good day when you catch Mr. Libby and Mrs. Wells doing clean up duty in the lunch room!
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Mr. Libby helping in the lunchroom
Buses are running late due to the icy roads this morning. BUS 31 WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PICK UP STUDENTS AT ALL THIS MORNING.
about 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Good luck Wildcats as you face off against Boothbay today! A reminder that players can each have 6 invited guests to watch the game in person; all other fans can watch the game using the link below. Boys will play at 4PM and Girls will play after. https://wcsbasketball.mylivegame.com/
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Best of luck to our Basketball teams as they head off to their away game vs Great Salt Bay this afternoon! The game will be live-streamed, using the link below. Boys will play first at 3:45pm and Girls will play after! seasoncast.com/wcsbasketball
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Woolwich buses will be running up to 15 minutes late this morning due to road conditions!
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Good luck to our Girls and Boys basketball players tonight as they face off against Jefferson! Reminder that each player can only have 6 invited fans to view the game in person. Everyone else is encouraged to watch the game as it is live-streamed, using this link. Girls play at 3:45pm and Boys after that: seasoncast.com/wcsbasketball
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Are you confused about whether or not your student is sick enough to stay home? Click the following link to see the RSU1 symptom tracker: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G2fDuTf8RGsJgONPsDp1Y8WQ_Wh5CAxB/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Please join us tonight at 6 PM on the WCS playground for a tree lighting event hosted by the WCS PTA! There will be music, photos, hot chocolate and fun as we gather together!
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
You can view the WCS Winter Concert that was held on 12/9 by clicking this link! https://youtu.be/i6GeADj9kLQ
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
There will be no girls' basketball game tonight. Boys can stay for intramural practice after school today until 4:15. Girls will not practice tonight.
over 2 years ago, Alaine Pinkham
There will be no basketball games tonight for the middle school basketball teams. Girls will practice after school from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Boys will not practice tonight.
over 2 years ago, Alaine Pinkham
Last Friday's Covid-19 vaccine clinic for students ages 5-11 went very well! If your student rode the bus to receive their second vaccine, their vaccine card will be mailed home.
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Click the link to access a live-stream of today's basketball games vs. Great Salt Bay! Girls play at 3:45pm, and Boys play at 5:00pm. https://youtu.be/lTWD4DcxExI
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
GOOD LUCK to the WCS Basketball teams who play in South Bristol this afternoon! (Girls at 3:45pm and Boys at 5pm.) No WCS fans will be attending, but the game will be live-streamed using this link: http://southbristolschoolme.org/sbs-sports/
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt
Parent/Teacher conferences are happening today from 12-6PM! There will be another half day of school tomorrow with dismissal at 12pm.
over 2 years ago, Jane Pratt